the garden of my heart

lessons from the horses

When the horse I’d had on loan to me for 3 years became lame in work early last year and was not responsive to treatment, he was retired from work.  It all happened so quickly, in a matter of months our ridden partnership had come to an end. 

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walking beside me

In the ten years that he was in our lives our beautiful lurcher, Chuck enriched them so much.  Looking back, I see not only was he my friend, soul mate and teacher, he was the ‘backbone’ of my life.  Since he transitioned in September this year, I’ve felt gentle intuitive nudges to share some of […]

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flowing with change, an animal’s perspective

This blog was inspired by the wise teachings of our eldest cat, Tess.  The powerful message she delivered to me in the months prior to her leaving her physical body, in November last year, was about flowing with change.  As she went through her own metamorphosis she helped me to flow with her change, and to […]

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