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Consultations & Fees

Animal Communication consultations

I work from a photo of the animal and all my contact with you is via the phone (or via Zoom or Skype audio calls if you are outside the UK). This enables the animal to be relaxed in their own environment. It also enables me to avoid any distractions of the environment ensuring I can give my full attention to the animal in question.

An initial consultation involves:

  1. Initial connection with the animal
    Prior to the telephone consultation I establish a connection and obtain information on the animal’s character.
  2. Telephone consultation (60 mins)
    I share the information from the initial connection so you can feel comfortable with the connection I have with the animal. I then connect with the animal to understand the situation you would like help with or to ask them the questions you have. If appropriate we develop an action plan.
  3. Follow up call (10 mins)
    A few weeks later to see how you are progressing.

For more information about the approach I use please see the animal communication page.

Before the consultation

Please give thought to what it is you would like to address or the questions you would like to ask your animal companion. I will ask you this in the consultation.  I prefer not to have this information ahead of the session. I find that this is the best way for you to gain the most out of the consultation.

During the consultation

It can be helpful (but is not essential) if your animal companion is near you for the call. Ideally you should be free from interruptions or distractions for the call. It can be useful to have a pen and paper to make notes. For both the consultation and follow up I will call you.

Animal Communication Fees

The charge for the first time I work with an animal (initial consultation) is £85. This includes the initial connection with the animal prior to the session, a 60 minute telephone consultation and a follow up call of 10 minutes.

My hourly rate for subsequent consultations with the same animal is £80/ hour and can be prorated, for example £40/30 mins.  My minimum session length is 30 minutes and the maximum I offer is 90 minutes. For 60 minute sessions and longer I offer a 10 minute follow up call at no extra cost.

Time limits for sessions can be set if necessary.

If you’re outside the UK please contact me at for my fees.

Reiki healing consultations

I offer distant Reiki to animals.  I require a photo of the animal in order to send distant Reiki. The benefit of a distant Reiki session is that they can be relaxed in the comfort of their own environment.

Please see the page on Reiki healing for more information about Reiki.

You can contact me at if you would like to discuss your animal’s requirements.

I am currently not offering Reiki for new clients.

A consultation involves:

  1. Pre session call (5 mins)
    I call you before starting the session to answer any questions you may have and discuss the reason for the session.
  2. Reiki session (20 mins)
    I work with one animal at a time and send Reiki for 20 minutes.

Reiki healing Fees

Distant Reiki sessions are 25 mins at £33 / session. A course of 4 distant sessions of 25 mins is £120/ course.

If you’re not in the UK please contact me at for my fees in your local currency.

If you have any questions please contact me at