Privacy Policy


The nature of my (Becs’) See Through Their Eyes work means that I collect and hold personal information about you and your animal companions. I have always handled this data with care, securely and with complete confidentiality. New legislation, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires me to be clear with you about the data I hold and how I use and store that data. This privacy policy is written to address that requirement of the legislation and so that you understand your rights under it.

This privacy policy is for Becs Stevens trading as See Through Their Eyes and the website and is served by Rebecca (Becs) Stevens, Icknield, 15 Hilly Plantation, Norwich, Norfolk, NR7 0JN.  If you have any questions on any aspect of this policy you can contact me by post: Icknield, 15 Hilly Plantation, Norwich, Norfolk, NR7 0JN or email:

If you do not agree to this policy you may wish to stop using my services and unsubscribe from my email newsletter.

In this privacy policy I will explain:

– Key definitions
– What personal data I collect, process and store about you and how I collect it
– Why I collect and process your personal data and how I use it
– The Legal Basis for processing your personal data
– Legitimate interest
– Consent
– Who I share your personal data with
– How I store and protect your personal data
– How long I store your personal data
– Your individual rights under current laws

Key definitions

“I”, “My” refers to Becs Stevens trading as See Through Their Eyes
“you”, “your” “the user” refer to the person(s) using this website and being treated by me as a client
Personal Data means any information related to a natural person, that can be used to directly or indirectly identify the person
Data Controller means the person that determines the purposes, conditions and means of the processing of personal data
Processing means any operation performed on personal data, whether or not by automated means, including collection, use, recording, etc.
GDPR means General Data Protection Regulation
PECR means Privacy & Electronic Communications Regulation
ICO means Information Commissioner’s Office
EMS means Email Marketing Software
Cookies mean small files stored on a user’s computer or device

What personal data I collect, process and store about you and how I collect it

I collect and hold personal data about you:

– When I provide you with my services – clients sessions, workshops and talks
– If you subscribe to my email newsletter

If you are a client, I hold information about you and your animal/s that you share with me. I receive this information directly from you in the following ways:

– In written form (on paper, via email, text message or other means e.g. Facebook messenger)
– In a conversation (telephone or face to face)
– Via the electronic contact form (on my website)
– Handwritten notes from your session/s with me

This information includes:

– Your name
– Your address
– Your email address
– Your phone number/s
– Your animal/s name and gender
– Photograph/s of your animal
– Specific information you wish to share about your animal or the situation about which you are contacting me
– My notes from the session and any subsequent sessions
– Session dates and times and payment received
– Information on how you found me e.g. recommendation or internet search

If you have attended my workshops or talks, but I have not worked with you as a client I may have some of the above information, if you have provided it to me.

If you choose to subscribe to my email newsletter, I collect your email address when you input it into the ‘Subscribe to my mailing list’ box on my website homepage.

I also collect usage data for my email newsletters. This is done by a third party EMS company called Mailchimp. They use cookies and other tracking technologies. Where used, these approaches to data collection may record a range of data relating to interaction with my email newsletters such as; times, dates, I.P addresses, opens, clicks, forwards, geographic and demographic data.

I do not currently collect usage data for my website, so I do not currently use Cookies on my website.

Why I collect and process your data and how I use it

I collect and process your data solely in order to conduct and manage my business (See Through Their Eyes).

For a client session the information you provide enables me to reply to your enquiry, to contact you to arrange a session, to contact you for the session and if necessary, to follow up after a session. It also provides me with information on your animal companions that you would like help with, so I can best help you and them.

If you are a client, I also keep information you have provided me with including your name, email address, phone number, animal’s name, session times and dates and how you found me in an electronic file, called my client log. I use this data solely as research data in order to understand the dynamics of my business and to help me develop my business.

If you attend one of my workshops or talks the contact information you provide me with enables me to contact you about the event and any relevant arrangements.

If you choose to sign up for my email newsletter and provide me with your email address this enables me to send you email newsletters.  The usage data I receive for my newsletters helps me to understand the requirements and interests of my clients, so I can improve this aspect of my work to better meet the needs of my clients. I do not focus on the usage of a specific individual in my analysis, but on understanding the general trends for my email newsletter subscribers.

I am exempt from registration in the ICO Data Protection Register due to the fact that I only process data for my core business purposes.

The GDPR requires me to have a legal basis for collecting and processing your data.

The legal basis for processing your personal data

Under the GDPR I am required to make you aware of the legal basis on which I am processing your personal data.

The legal basis on which I control and process any personal information about you when I provide you with my services (client sessions, workshops and talks) is Legitimate Interest.

The legal basis on which I control and process any personal information about you if you subscribe to my email newsletter is Consent.

If, as determined by me, the Legal basis upon which I process your personal information changes, I will amend this privacy policy as appropriate. I shall stop processing your personal information if the lawful basis used is no longer relevant.

Legitimate Interest

Legitimate interest is the basis on which I collect and hold personal data about you with regard to providing my services (client sessions, workshops and talks). Because I am collecting the data in order to enable me to provide you with those services and I am using the data in a way that you would reasonably expect me to this basis is valid. For example, I have your phone number so that I can call you for a session, I have your email to contact you about appropriate session times. I keep paper notes from the session as a record of the session. I keep data about our session dates and times and payment received as part of my business financial records.


Consent is the legal basis on which I collect and hold personal data if you subscribe to my newsletter. Consent gives you control over the data I hold for you and choice of the means by which I can contact you. This lawful basis requires me to obtain a clear and specific statement of consent from you, using a clear affirmative action, such as a positive opt in, rather than a method of default consent.

In order to sign up for my newsletter you are required to type your email address into the subscribe box on my website, this constitutes clear affirmative action and as such is classed as consent. You may withdraw this consent at any time, by clicking on the unsubscribe button at the bottom of a newsletter or by contacting me and asking to have your email removed from my email subscription list. You can contact me by post: Icknield, 15 Hilly Plantation, Norwich, Norfolk, NR7 0JN or email:

Who I share your personal data with

I keep your personal information confidential and secure.

I use an EMS provider, Mailchimp, to manage the distribution of my newsletters. If you subscribe to my newsletter then I share your email and name, if you have given that, with my EMS provider, Mailchimp.You can find their privacy policy at . As a subscriber to my email newsletter, you are classed as a ‘member’s contact’ in this privacy policy.

I do not share any other of your personal data with anyone else.

Testimonials that are displayed on my website are written by the client and displayed with their explicit consent. If you have written a testimonial on my site and wish to have it removed at any point you can contact me by post: at Icknield, 15 Hilly Plantation, Norwich, Norfolk, NR7 0JN or email:

How I store and protect your personal data

My methods of storing your personal data follow the GDPR guidance.

All data stored on paper, such as my handwritten notes from conversations and notes from client sessions are in secure storage.

I hold data electronically in a password protected file, my client log, that only I can access.

Any email communication to and from you, is held in my password protected email account. My email service provider is Gmail. Here is their privacy policy

How long I store your personal data

I review the personal data I am holding on paper annually in the first quarter of the calendar year. At this point I destroy any data that at the point of my review is more than 10 years since the last session with that client. Please note here that the term client refers to a person rather than animal. For example if I worked with one of your animal companions over 10 years ago and am not currently working with them, but I have worked with another of your companions within the last 10 years, I will continue to store the data for you and them until a period of 10 years elapses when I have not worked with any of your animals.

I keep the data that I hold in the electronic file, my client log, indefinitely as a research resource for myself. If you wish to have your details on my client log made anonymous you can contact me to request this by post: Icknield, 15 Hilly Plantation, Norwich, Norfolk, NR7 0JN. Or email:

Please refer to Mailchimp and Google’s Privacy policies, as referenced in the section above, for how long they store data for.

Your individual rights under current laws

Under the GDPR your rights are as follows.;
the right to be informed;
the right of access;
the right to rectification;
the right to erasure;
the right to restrict processing;
the right to data portability;
the right to object; and
the right not to be subject to automated decision-making including profiling.

You can read in detail about your rights at the ICO’s website

If you have any doubts or concerns about how I hold or process your personal data please get in touch with me by post: Icknield, 15 Hilly Plantation, Norwich, Norfolk, NR7 0JN or by email:

I handle subject access requests in accordance with the GDPR.

You also have the right to complain to the ICO if you feel there is a problem with the way I am handling your data.

Thank you for taking the time to read this Privacy Policy.