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owl magic

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In late summer last year I had the wonderful opportunity of meeting and connecting with some owls. It was such an incredible experience, being up close with such magnificent creatures, I wanted to share a little of the magic with you.

The owls are all hand reared and cared for by Sandra who runs Happisburgh Owls in North Norfolk. Sandra has such love and passion for these beautiful beings and an incredible wealth of knowledge about them. She works to share understanding of them with people and takes them to different places for educational purposes, as well as taking them to venues such as retirement homes, special schools and visually impaired groups where their amazing energy can leave lasting impressions.

On arrival at the centre I was taken into a space where Sandra had a number of owls gathered to meet the group of four of us that were there that day. My initial impression was how the owls all seemed very content, resting in their own individual areas.

A few moments in and I became captivated by these beautiful creatures looking back at me. There were such incredible energies emanating from each of them.

We settled down in the room as guided to by Sandra and her team and then Sandra talked for a while and shared some of her vast wealth of knowledge about these creatures. She then gave us advice on how to interact with them. We were each then introduced to each of them on a one to one basis. What an incredible privilege to have the opportunity to ‘just be’ with each one.

For me it was a very powerful reminder of intuitive communication at its simplest and purest. These individuals were so strong and clear in their energetic communication it was unmistakable. On holding each one it was as if I received an instant ‘download’ from each of them. It was an incredibly moving and humbling experience.

It was easy to see how, without the use of words, but purely through energetic communication these beings could be such powerful teachers and how valuable they could be in the places that Sandra took them to. As I held and connected with each one I found that they each had something different to share and impart. As I look back on that day, whilst writing this blog, I can sense their individual and beautiful energies once again.

It’s hard to do justice to such beautiful energies through the use of words. It doesn’t feel right to unveil their special messages through this blog. I believe the power is in experiencing them first hand. Indeed, aspects of what they convey will be unique to the individual they are interacting with. Yet this blog would be incomplete without sharing some of the beauty of my experience of that day. So here are a couple of pictures and I’m sure you will be able to sense from my differing reactions the contrasting energies and messages these two owls were conveying to me !




It was the most incredible experience and the energy and magic of these creatures touched me so very deeply.



A wonderful reminder of the power and beauty of non verbal communication.

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